Many of you have purchased the Children of the Nations dry ingredient bags to consume as we enter the 40 days of fasting. Thank you! The funds raised from each bag purchased will send a bag of food to the Dominican Republic.
Meanwhile at home, many of you are looking at the contents and wondering, "How do I cook this stuff?!?"
Never fear. Our crack team of volunteers has begun to experiment and here are some of their observations.
1) Initially, we advised you to cook the dry ingredients of the entire bag in a rice cooker with 5 cups of water. In the Dominican Republic, this would be a meal for a family of five.
But what if you don't have a family of five or a rice cooker? Another intrepid cooking explorer called us this morning with this guidance:
2) Take the contents of HALF the bag and place it in a 1 1/2 quart sauce pan. Cover the rice mixture with water just deep enough to reach the first knuckle on your index finger. (This magic ratio was shared with this chef long ago by a Filipino grandma.) Bring the mixture to a boil, and then cover and turn down the temperature to a place between low and medium on the stove dial. Cook for 30 minutes and the rice will absorb all the water.
We hope that helps! If you have cooking advice, or great recipes, please let us know so we can share with the group.