Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Caffeine headache and a lesson in control

By Tammi Keffer
Director of Community and Caring

So how's it going? Are you feeling the hunger pangs?  What about the caffeine headache?

As I sit here reading The Place at the Table devotional for today, I am wondering how it happened that I was chosen to write a blog devotional on the very day that Chris Seay discusses his caffeine headaches in his blog.  Yesterday, I had about 10 ounces of coffee. That’s all. I know. It's amazing I am still breathing, right?

You see, I kinda like my coffee a certain way and that way is NOT black.  I thought I could do the black coffee thing but...I am not quite that desperate....yet. I contemplated making a coconut milk and orange sugarcane reduction, but I am pretty sure the poor people in the Dominican Republic are not drinking a fancy orange piña colada latte. So the caffeine headaches are a part of the journey and apparently Chris Seay has gone before us in this area and survived.

I have known about this fast for months.  I have known and have joked about how difficult it would be.  Now it's here and Day 2 was REALLY hard. I imagine that Day 4 is going to be hard as well. On Day 3 I learned about control.

I spend tremendous effort to control things I can't control. That now seems like a huge waste of time and energy. Yet here I am, trying to figure out how to magically remix a pumpkin spice latte.   When I use precious effort trying to control things I cannot, it takes a huge toll on my ability to sit at the feet of Jesus and to love others well.  Sigh.  Yet, when I realize I have no control and begin to let go - I grow.  When I grow it hurts and aches a little and when I am done growing...I get to buy new shoes (just kidding). No… I get more responsibility. Then I try to take control in that area, and then I get to learn that I don’t control that either, all over again. So here I am on Day 4 ready to let go of my coffee concoction and just wait to enjoy a real PSL (Pumpkin Spice Latte) on Sunday when it is Feast Day and until then I will listen for Jesus calling me to His feet.

Seriously?  It's only Day 4?  I need some coffee....on Sunday.


  1. Margaret Aylsworth asked us to post this for her. We will happily:

    Thanks for the words of encouragement, Tammi! I too am longing for Sunday to get here so I can get an extra super large SPL ( I know what that means now!). Do they come that big? I figured you would know.

    If you would like to make a post, but don't have a Gmail, Blogger, or similar account, email us at . Include your name. We will post your comment here.

  2. You asked how it was going? Well I am discovering my body's inability to deal with the certain items on the list; like beans or to many bananas. I thought keeping eggs in the mix would also help my body's need for protein -- filling up with rice isn't so great either. So when do I stop and question if this is the right path for me and not sound like I want to whimp out? I don't necessarily want beef, but I would love to eat peanut butter on a slice of gluten-free bread (which is a highly processed commodity ;o).
    What I am thankful for is the time we are spending as a family around the dinner table with the devotions. If this is the only thing good about this experience, it is entirely worth the effort to continue forward.
